Bar Trivia Game System

Bar Trivia Game System


  • Are you looking for a bar trivia game system to enhance your trivia night?
  • Have you got a special event to host and are looking for a way to spice up the occasions?
  • Are you looking for a way to increase your business and bring in more bookings?


Then DigiGames is on hand to ensure that you have the very latest bare trivia game system technology on hand to allow you to meet whatever trivia hosting goals you have!


bar trivia game system


Being a trivia host in this day and age is a difficult job. Not only are bars increasingly looking for novel ways to bring in customers and phase out the pen and paper style quizzes with something a little bit more appealing to its customer base.  However, there is increasing competition as people realize how exciting and profitable a venture in the trivia hosting business can be.  That is where DigiGames can help with a bar trivia game system that can help set you apart from the crowd.


Bar Trivia Game System - What you need to know


If you have yet to be convinced that trivia hosting with the latest technology is the way forward, then allow us to explain. The market for pen and paper quizzes is drying up and with the ever invasive surge of technology into all aspects of life and entertainment, you as a trivia host, likely work hard to keep up with the pace. You can start making money and drawing a larger crowd at your establishment with an effective bar trivia game system from the outset.  Be open to the possibilities of how DigiGames can help you achieve this.


bar trivia game system


DigiGames Trivia Cubes are by far the most popular game system for bars.  Order up to 50 buzzers for up to 50 simultaneous players all competing in a Jeopardy style trivia game show.

With nearly 2 decades experience in the trivia business DigiGames have always prided itself on being at the forefront of the market when it comes to technology.  So if you are seeking a bar trivia game system from a company that is professional, leading the market and setting trends then look no further. Our focus is in providing quality, affordable and money-making wireless buzzers and game show consoles.  Additionally, DigiGames provides a lifetime of updates so that the software being used in your bar will always be the very latest and most innovative. Throw in the fact that DigiGames offers round the clock customer service as well as a dedicated online blog of hints, tips and ideas and you really don’t need to look anywhere else from your trivia needs.


Bar Trivia Game System - The big secret


Adding a game system such as those available for DigiGames will give your trivia night a much needed boost. People will be impressed by the effort you have put into to setting up the system….but the secret is, its barely any effort at all. The systems are affordable with a focus on quality and durability meaning you will get plenty of use out of your original investment. Additionally, there is very little expertise needed to set the systems up.  Within a matter of minutes you will have the system up and running. Whether you are attempting to mimic a TV show format (always a good idea as people will be familiar with the rules) or customizing your own, then the trivia systems available from DigiGames will make your life easier.


The bar trivia game system will bring more players into your venue meaning you get more bookings and can charge higher fees. Remember your job is all about getting people into the bar to make money so the more people you get in the more money you are going to make yourself. The affordable investment in the trivia game systems will reap many benefits in the long run, not only making your life as a trivia host easier and your players enjoying things more, but also bringing in a bigger profit every week!



Order your game show system today and see the benefits of a bar trivia game system being used in your trivia nights.  Like hundreds of bar owners across the country you can be part of market leading and quality products available from DigiGames. It’s the easiest trivia question you will ever answer….Which company provides a game system for only around $500 that focuses on making the process more enjoyable for both the host and the players? DigiGames of course. Browse the catalog today and you will soon be on your way to a more profitable business!

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