Jeopardy Software Trivia Board Pro 4

Jeopardy Software - Trivia Board Pro 4


Jeopardy Software Game


  • Are you looking for an interesting, exciting and innovative game that combines the thrills and spills of TV's’s Jeopardy with the customizable nature of your local pub trivia event?
  • Are you keen to wow customers by giving them a night of trivia based entertainment like no other and have raving to their friends?
  • Are you looking to secure weekly gigs with bar owners seeking a fresh take on trivia nights?


Then Trivia Board Pro 4 is exactly what you are looking for.


Jeopardy software trivia board pro 4


Jeopardy Software - Key Game Show

In my many years within the trivia business I have seen many products, ideas and gadgets come and go. What sounds like a good idea in the mind soon collapses when players are involved and trivia masters and hosts are constantly looking at ways to improve the market. Let’s face it, it is a tough business to be in without key game show software. There are hundreds of trivia hosts around the country all after a limited number of jobs. Whether it is hosting nights in bars or running specific trivia events for committed players (or indeed special occasions!) you need that extra edge and this is where  key game show software like Trivia Board Pro 4 stands to help you.  You will be impressed with the features within this program.  Adding Trivia Board Pro 4 to your trivia offerings will give you increased custom, competitive edge and that all important business boost.


Jeopardy Software - Long Standing Quiz Game

Jeopardy is the longest running quiz game on the entire planet which is proof enough that the format being used by Trivia Board Pro 4, which mimics the TV show, is a tried and tested formula for success. Because of the range of answers and options the game never seems dire or dull.  The simple yet complex nature of a game of Jeopardy is evidenced by its long standing appeal to audiences. The other positives of Trivia Board Pro 4 being based on the show is the simple fact that it will be familiar to most players and they will know exactly what they are doing within seconds. Everyone loves familiarity!


Jeopardy Software buzzer system


Indeed it is this familiarity that becomes apparent as you begin to uncover the magic of Trivia Board Pro 4. All the aspects of the TV show and the format everyone knows and loves are present from the customizable "Daily Doubles" and "Final Question" to the wagering to the question format... its all there! The tool even will recognize fastest buzz ins so all the hard work is done for you. Literally, after you have loaded in the trivia it’s a case of let the software do the hard work so you can concentrate on being a great trivia host


Jeopardy Softare with wireless buzzers

Trivia Board Pro 4 works perfectly with all of our wireless buzzers games, including the Trivia Pads, Trivia Cubes, Trivia Towers, Clobber and more.


Want to import music and audio clips? Done. Fancy adding video clips? Easy. Spice up your trivia night with the simple tools on Trivia Board Pro 4 which allow you to ensure that just because you are using some set software, it doesn’t mean the usual trivia night favorites cannot be added. Even pictures, logos and text graphics can be imported with ease giving you the option to make your night as lively and interactive as possible. As I keep saying, the options to customize your trivia experience and make every game different are staggering with trivia Board Pro 4. 


Jeopardy software game


The game logs scores and announces the winner at the end of the matches meaning again, all the work is done for you. You can have up to 20 players playing and the options to turn this in to a team-based style game means up to 1000 players can compete. 


Jeopardy Software - Custom Questions and Answers

Trivia Board Pro 4 is perhaps THE single most customizable piece of software relating to trivia you will come across. With this program it is easy to put in your own custom questions and answers.  Are you tired of investing in software that limits what you can do as a trivia host?  Are you tired of the same old software problems and restrictions? Trivia hosts around the world enjoy making the event their own by adding their own twist and making things just how they want them. Trivia Board Pro 4 does this and beyond. 


Just think about what Trivia Board Pro 4 actually offers in terms of customization……customizing the player's names, adding your own questions and answers, scoring increments, score totals, sound effects…the list is endless. You could play 100 games for Trivia Board Pro 4 and it would be a totally different Trivia experience each time. Trivia needs to be flexible to suit the audience and the style and no matter if you are hosting a kids trivia game at a party or hosting a serious high level academic trivia contest in front of great trivia players.


Jeopardy Software - Add Your Own Questions and Answers

In terms of the trivia questions, the usual quality is on hand from the experience question writing team and it is well worth subscribing to weekly trivia they can offer.  It will also help the success of your night.  On the other hand, if money is tight you can add in your own questions. Literally there are no restrictions. This means you are not tied to trivia content that national providers issue and that you are not stuck with a boring database to choose from.  But instead you can use your own trivia to customize questions for weddings, company parties, anniversary parties, or wherever there is a party.  Additionally, you get free software updates and technical assistance for life! 


In all Trivia Board Pro 4 is the front runner in innovative and user friendly software that can transform your Trivia experience.  Call us today to find out how you can immediately start making money with the most versatile Jeopardy tool on the market!


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