PLEASE NOTE: Below you will find links for 4 lessons for Extreme Bingo. After watching them you will know the in’s and out’s of this valuable tool. Then, be sure to read the ‘IN CONCLUSION’ remarks at the bottom of this page.
- Where to download and install Extreme Bingo.
- Directory structure and Application Folder of Extreme Bingo.
- Variations of Game Play overview.
- Coverage of 3 main sections of Extreme Bingo – Create Catalogs, Print Bingo Cards, the Play Screen.
Extreme Bingo Lesson 1 HERE
42 Minutes____________________________________________________________________EXTREME BINGO TUTORIAL #2
- More with Printing Bingo Cards.
- Playing a game.
- Customization of cards and details about Card ID’s for Auto Checker.
- Printing Bingo cards to PDF.
- About Extreme Bingo’s Control Panel.
- About Extreme Bingo’s Help/About.
- Deregistering Extreme Bingo
- Extending your desktop.
Extreme Bingo Lesson 2 HERE
42 Minutes____________________________________________________________________EXTREME BINGO TUTORIAL #3
- Updating Extreme Bingo.
- Moving files from one computer to another.
- Working with “Missing Media”.
- Creating and playing Picture Bingo.
- Creating and playing Trivia Bingo.
- Creating and playing Traditional Bingo.
- Creating and playing Physical Challenge Bingo.
Extreme Bingo Lesson 3 HERE
29 Minutes____________________________________________________________________EXTREME BINGO TUTORIAL #4
- Rearranging the Call List.
- Working with Wireless Buzzers with Extreme Bingo
- Using the Wizard Tool.
- Defining Wizard Files.
- Edit Start and End Points.
- Tips for fast/slow games.
- Advanced options for customizing Bingo Cards.
Extreme Bingo Lesson 4 HERE
36 Minutes____________________________________________________________________IN CONCLUSION
Extreme Bingo provides the tools necessary for generating some serious cash. However, having the tools doesn’t automatically make you a successful entertainer any more than having expensive DJ gear makes you a highly polished and well-paid entertainer.
The ABILITY to use the tools PROPERLY as an entertainer is now your next step.
How can you use Extreme Bingo properly as a money maker? Join the exclusive Facebook page for “Extreme Bingo Hosts”. Benefits of joining include getting in on the latest hot ideas for hosting Extreme Bingo and the best ways to market your service to prospective clients. This FaceBook group of elite Extreme Bingo entertainers will help you gain the necessary expertise prior to performing your first or next event.